Nicorette Microtab is a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and each sublingual tablet contains 2mg of nicotine.
It is used to relieve withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings which occur when you stop smoking. Nicotine is released from the microtab and passes into your body through the lining of your mouth. This nicotine is sufficient to relieve the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
It also helps with the craving of wanting to smoke but does not give you the ‘buzz’ you would experience from smoking.
The benefits of stopping smoking outweigh the potential risk of using nicotine from NRT. This is because it is the toxins in cigarette smoke such as tar, lead and cyanide that cause smoking related diseases and death, not nicotine.
Place the microtab under your tongue. Allow it to slowly dissolve which should be about 30 minutes. This will slowly release nicotine which will be absorbed through the lining in the mouth. These tablets are not to be chewed or swallowed.
Please read the leaflet provided with this treatment for information on how many tablets you should be taking, when to take them and how to reduce your dosage.
The number of Nicorette Microtabs you use each day will depends on how many cigarettes you smoked and how strong they were.
Do not take more than 40 microtabs per day.
Children aged 12 and up to 18 years should not use for longer than 12 weeks without checking with their GP or pharmacist.
Adults aged 18 and over should not use for longer than 9 months without checking with their GP or pharmacist.
If you find it hard to stop smoking with Nicorette Microtab, or you are finding it difficult to reduce the amount of Microtabs, speak to your doctor or pharmacist.