
ellaOne Tablet (5-Day Pill)

From: £29.99

ellaOne is a form of emergency contraception, used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Known as the ‘morning after pill’, this single dose treatment is 95% effective when used up to five days after intercourse. You can expect to receive your order by first class mail in unbranded, discreet packaging to protect your privacy.

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    ellaOne is a popular brand of morning after pill, licensed for use in the UK. It’s considered to be a highly effective form of emergency contraception when used correctly after unprotected sex. 

    It does this by altering the progesterone receptors in a woman’s body, which delays, or prevents, an egg from being released (ovulation). It is 95% effective at preventing pregnancy when taken within 5 days – or 120 hours – of having sex.

    This single dose treatment (30mg) contains the active ingredient ulipristal acetate. It can be taken with or without food, but must be swallowed whole with a glass of water. ellaOne can be taken at any point during your menstrual cycle.  

    We will ask you to complete a short online consultation before we process your order, to check that the morning after pill is suitable for you. You must tell your pharmacist, if you are taking any other medication – some drugs can prevent the ellaOne pill from working, and you may need to use another type of emergency contraception.

    We recommend reading the patient information leaflet before you start treatment.

    ellaOne: Emergency contraception made accessible

    ellaOne is widely considered to be the most effective morning after pill. Taking it after unprotected sexual activity can significantly reduce your chances of experiencing an unwanted pregnancy. It is advised that you take one as soon as possible after unprotected sex.

    The circumstances surrounding the need for a morning after pill can often involve a great deal of stress, anxiety and even embarrassment, but we don’t think anything should distract you from looking after your health. This is why PostMyMeds is dedicated to making it easier for you to receive the medication you need.

    With PostMyMeds, you can get effective emergency contraception delivered discreetly to your door through a fast, efficient and confidential service.

    Get in touch with the team at PostMyMeds for more information on ellaOne and other medications that can be ordered online.

    Everything you need to know about an ellaOne pill

    In order to get the maximum effectiveness from ellaOne, the pill should ideally be taken as soon as possible and no later than 5 days, or 120 hours, of unprotected sex. The sooner after sex that you take the pill, the better chance it has of helping avoid pregnancy.

    If you are sick within three hours of taking an ellaOne pill, you should take another tablet as soon as possible. It will not prevent you from getting pregnant from any sex you have after taking the tablet.

    Understanding potential ellaOne side effects

    Most people can take ellaOne without experiencing negative side effects, but there are certain effects that some people go through after taking the morning after pill. These include headaches, nausea, vomiting, irregular bleeding, dizziness and abdominal pain.

    If your period is missed or late after taking ellaOne you should do a pregnancy test. You may be able to take ellaOne more than once during a menstrual cycle, but it shouldn’t be used as your regular form of contraception.

    Only 10% of women typically bleed after taking ellaOne, but in the majority of cases the bleeding is just spotting[1].

    How do you know when ellaOne has worked?

    The only way of knowing whether ellaOne has worked if when your next period has arrived. If your period is more than seven days late, you should do a pregnancy test as soon as possible.

    ellaOne does not protect against STIs; it only protects against pregnancy. If you are worried about an STI, you should visit your local sexual health clinic.

    How does ellaOne prevent pregnancy?

    ellaOne is unique in that it contains an active ingredient called ulipristal acetate. This is a chemical which prevents or delays your ovaries from releasing an egg – effectively stopping ovulation. This protects you against pregnancy. Most people who can get pregnant are able to take the emergency contraception, including those who can’t take the combined pill or contraceptive patch. However, if you have an allergy to any of the ingredients in the pill, you will not be able to take it safely.

    Certain medications involved in other conditions may mean you can’t take ellaOne. These include severe asthma treatment like oral steroids, St John’s Wort, certain treatments for indigestion, HIV, TB, epilepsy and fungal infections.

    Get ellaOne pills delivered to your door from PostMyMeds

    Through PostMyMeds, you can get effective emergency contraception delivered to you, taking the stress out of getting the medical support you need. ellaOne should be taken within five days of unprotected sex in order to prevent you from getting pregnant, allowing you to live your life.

    Get ellaOne pills delivered to your home with the help of PostMyMeds today.

    Ella One Morning After Pill Side Effects

    As with all medication, there is a risk that you may suffer side effects after taking the ellaOne morning after pill. Common side effects include:

    • headache 
    • fatigue 
    • nausea and vomiting  
    • breast tenderness 
    • abdominal, back, and period pain 
    • pelvic pain and muscle aches 
    • mood changes 

    You may also experience dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, and/or loss of concentration. If this should happen, do not drive or operate machinery.

    If you vomit up to three hours after taking the ellaOne pill, then you will need to re-take it, or consider another form of emergency contraception, such as the IUD (‘coil’). 

    The morning after pill can interfere with some hormonal contraceptives, such as the pill. We recommend using a barrier form of contraception (e.g. condom) until the start of your next period. If you find that your period is more than seven days late, or you experience any symptoms of pregnancy, contact your GP for advice on what to do next.

    You’ll find a full list of side effects in the patient information leaflet for ellaOne.

    How does ellaOne work?

    ellaOne is a highly effective morning after pill that works by stopping the release of an egg from the ovaries (ovulation) so it cannot be embedded into the womb. 

    Can I use ellaOne every day?

    ellaOne is a type of emergency contraceptive pill and must not be used every day. For help choosing long-term methods of contraception, contact your GP or local sexual health clinic. You may also find the NHS guide to contraception a useful place to start.

    I think I might be pregnant, can I use ellaOne?

    If you think you might be pregnant then contact your GP for advice on what to do next. ellaOne will not work if you are pregnant – the morning after pill is a form of emergency contraception used to prevent pregnancy, it is not a method of abortion.

    I’ve been sick, do I need to take it again?

    Yes. If you vomit within three hours of taking the ellaOne pill, you will need to take it again or consider another form of emergency contraception, such as the IUD (‘coil’). 

    How will ellaOne affect my regular contraception?  

    ellaOne can interfere with regular hormonal contraception, such as the combined pill or patches. We recommend using a barrier form of contraception, like a condom or diaphragm, until the start of your next period.  

    Can I take ellaOne with other medications?

    Some drugs can interfere with ellaOne and stop it working effectively. Tell your pharmacist, if you have taken any of the following in the last four weeks.

    • Medicines used to treat epilepsy 
    • Medicines used to treat tuberculosis 
    • Treatment for HIV 
    • Medicines used to treat fungal infections 
    • Herbal remedies containing St John’s wort 

    Will it prevent me from getting an STI?

    No, ellaOne cannot prevent you from getting a sexually transmitted disease (STI). Only condoms can protect you from getting HIV or any other type of STI.

    Can I take ellaOne while breastfeeding?

    You should not breastfeed in the week after taking the ellaOne morning after pill. Continue to use a breast pump to keep your milk flowing, but throw away the milk. The effect of ellaOne on breastfeeding is unknown.

    Where to get morning after pill?

    Your doctor can prescribe you ellaOne or you can buy it from an online pharmacy, like Post My Meds. Morning after pill prices start from £13.99. 

    Is it safe to buy ellaOne online?

    Yes, Post My meds is a registered online pharmacy and all the medicines we sell on our website are approved by the UK’s regulatory body for medicines and healthcare products (MHRA). Our pharmacists are trained to the highest standards, and we only prescribe medication when we feel it is safe to do so.

    Is the packaging discreet?

    Yes, all our orders are sent out in unbranded packaging to protect your privacy. 

    Does ellaOne work if you’ve already ovulated?

    You can take ellaOne at any time during your menstrual cycle, but it may not be as effective if you’ve already ovulated. If you think this might be the case, we recommend talking to your doctor about other types of emergency contraception.   

    How much is ellaOne?

    The ellaOne emergency contraceptive pill (30mg) is a single dose treatment that costs £29.99 to buy online from Post My Meds which includes free delivery.

    What happens when you take ellaOne?

    ellaOne contains the active ingredient, ulipristal acetate. It works by interfering with the hormone, progesterone, to delay or stop the release of an egg (ovulation). 

    You may experience a headache or feelings of nausea, but these symptoms are usually mild and pass quickly. The most common side effects of ellaOne are: 

    • Feeling sick or being sick 
    • Stomach pain or discomfort 
    • Painful periods 
    • Breast tenderness 
    • Headache, dizziness, and mood swings 
    • Muscle pain/ back pain 
    • Tiredness

    If you vomit within three hours of taking ellaOne, you should contact your GP or pharmacist for another dose or consider having an IUD (‘coil’) fitted.  

    Can ellaOne be taken twice in one cycle?  

    The same brand of emergency contraceptive pill may be taken twice in one menstrual cycle in some cases, but it’s not intended to be used long-term, but it’s not intended to be used long-term. ellaOne will not stop you from getting pregnant if you have unprotected sex again after you’ve taken it, and it can’t protect you from catching an STI (sexually transmitted infection). 

    For help finding a regular contraceptive that suits you, speak to your GP, a pharmacist or visit your local sexual health clinic or Brook centre. 

    Can ellaOne cause bleeding? 

    In some people, ellaOne can cause irregular bleeding. 

    If you’re unsure if this is your period and it’s been three weeks or more since you had unprotected sex, you should take a pregnancy test.  

    If you think you might be pregnant and you experience bleeding, it’s important to see your doctor – it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. 

    How reliable is ellaOne?

    ellaOne works in 98-99% of cases when it is used as prescribed. According to the NHS, only one or two women in every 100 will become pregnant after taking ellaOne¹.  

    Can ellaOne cause a late period?

    Like all drugs, ellaOne can cause side effects and one of these is changes to your next period – you may find that it is early, late, or on-time. 

    If your period is more than seven days late and it has been over three weeks since you had unprotected sex, we recommend you take a pregnancy test.


    1. NHS England [Online] How effective is emergency contraception? [updated 22 Aug 2019 ; cited 26 Nov 2021] Available from: https://bit.ly/3CWLFe0

    Do you need more information? You might find what you’re looking for in our frequently asked questions or in the patient information leaflet for ellaOne online.

Although all of our content is written and reviewed by healthcare professionals, it should not be substituted for or used as medical advice. If you have any questions about your health, please speak to your doctor.

Authored Dec 02, 2015 by Joseph Issac, MPharm
Reviewed Mar 25, 2025 by Prabjeet Saundh, MPharm

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